Congratulations on completing a 2016 Higg Facility Module! | Beautiful Ribbons | Wholesale Ribbon Manufacturer | KING YOUNG

Higg Index acknowledges King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd. of the completion of a Higg Index module during the 2016 cycle. | King Young is a well-established ribbon manufacturer providing a total solution for packaging, gift wrapping and decoration to the world.

Congratulations on completing a 2016 Higg Facility Module!

2017/11/29 KING YOUNG
Higg Index acknowledges King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd. of the completion of a Higg Index module during the 2016 cycle.
Higg Index acknowledges King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd. of the completion of a Higg Index module during the 2016 cycle.

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition certifies that King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd. utilizes the Higg Index to measure and grow its sustainability practice.


What’s Higg Index

The Higg Index enables and encourages brands, retailers, and manufacturers to become transparent by communicating clear, comparable, and meaningful sustainability scores publicly. Using one common language to share sustainability efforts will allow consumers to make better informed purchasing decisions. Full Higg Index transparency will ensure accountability and enable the apparel industry to thrive responsibly.

Manufacturers use the Higg Facility Tools to measure the social and environmental performance of their facilities. These modules measure impacts at individual factories, not the parent company as a whole. Users conduct the assessments at least once a year, and these assessments are then verified by SAC-approved, on-site assessors.

The modules’ aspirational-level questions give manufacturers clear guidance on hotspots for improvement and outline the current best practices in the field.

Why Use Higg Facility Environmental Module

The environmental cost of producing and wearing clothes is high. Making a typical pair of jeans can require nearly 2,000 gallons of water and 400 megajoules of energy. Once purchased, caring for that same pair of jeans throughout its lifespan can cause more than 30 kilograms of carbon dioxide to be emitted. That’s equivalent to running a garden hose for two hours, driving a car 78 miles, or powering a computer for 556 hours.

The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) informs brands, retailers, and manufacturers about the environmental performance of their individual facilities, so they can make improvements that reduce negative impacts such as these. This module can be used by manufacturers at any tier of the apparel, footwear, and textile industry supply chain.


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